Going digital: why innovation is critical for the mining industry
Just like any struggling industry, innovation continues to be a critical element to the mining sector’s recovery and future success. Here’s why:
A recent IDC Energy Insights research survey of 190 miners globally reveals the top strategic objectives of mining operations in 2015 are: safety improvements, automation of assets, mine operations management and control.
From these objectives, the IDC research shows that 69 percent of mining companies globally are looking at remote operations and monitoring centers, 56 percent at new mine methods, 29 percent at robotics and 27 percent at unmanned drones. In fact, 83 percent of global mining companies say their technology budgets will increase or stay the same in 2015.
Source: http://www.miningglobal.com/machinery/1689/The-5-biggest-things-in-mining-you-missed-this-week