Caterpillar MD6250 Surface Drill
The Cat MD6250 surface drill performs single- and multipass operations for both rotary and down-the-hole (DTH) modes.

The Cat MD6250 surface drill performs single- and multipass operations for both rotary and down-the-hole (DTH) modes. The unit drills in 32.8- and 39.4-foot benches, including angle drilling for cast blasting. Hole diameters reach 6 to 9.8 inches with bit loads of 49,210 and 71,993 pounds, respectively, for the 36.7- and 44.6-foot masts. Single-pass hole depths range from 36.7 to 44.6 feet. The smaller mast can drill multipass holes to 176.7 feet, and the larger to 124.6 feet.
Angle drilling can be accomplished from 0 to 30 degrees in 5-degree increments. It has an approach angle of 15 degrees for easy ramp access and loading, the company says, and it can climb up to 26-degree grades. The drill can be equipped with either 23.6-inch or 29.5-inch triple grousers.
The Cat C27 ACERT engine is rated at 879 horsepower at 1,800 rpm.